Contact info, Privacy Policy & Terms of use

Contact info
This Website ( is published on-line and hosted under the responsibility of Campine n.v. with the following address and further characteristics:

Registered Office: Nijverheidsstraat 2, 2340 Beerse, Belgium
Enterprise identification number: BE 0403 807 337
Tel number: +32 14 60 15 11
Fax number: + 32 14 61 29 85

Terms of Use
Preliminary remark
Thank you for visiting the Campine website. The access to and use of this website are subject to the general terms of use as they are listed below. The terms of use comprise the legal information for visiting and using the Campine-website, a declaration concerning intellectual property rights and a reference to the Privacy Policy.

You are invited to read these terms of use attentively before visiting the website or make use of it in whatever way.

Any further visit to and/or use of this website implies full acceptance of this terms of use. If you have difficulties to read the terms or if you do not agree with its content, Campine advises you not to visit or use the website any further.

For the application of these terms of use (hereinafter ‘Terms’) the following terms will have the meaning as described below:

  • “Website”: the web pages of the n.v. Campine, which can be visited at or;
  • “User” or “you” and its derivatives: each person that uses and/or visits the Website or that makes a third person doing so;
  • “Campine” or “Campine n.v.”: the limited liability company under Belgian law whose characteristics are listed below

Legal information
1. The company Campine
This Website ( is published on-line and hosted under the responsibility of Campine n.v. with the following address and further characteristics:

Registered Office (address): Nijverheidsstraat 2, 2340 Beerse, Belgium
Telephone number: +32 14 60 15 11
Fax number: + 32 14 61 29 85
Enterprise identification number: BE 0403 807 337

2. Scope
These terms of use contain the conditions you have to respect when you want to visit the Campine-website and to use the services that are offered.

Whenever this website contains more specific and strict conditions for certain visitors or users, these provisions take precedence over the content of the general terms of use.

3. Content and use of the Website
The Campine Website aims at promoting its activities in general and wants to offer its Users the possibility to get in contact with the company in particular.

Campine can in no event be held liable for the content of its site. The information contained herein:

  • is of a general nature only and not tailored to a person, entity or specific circumstance;
  • is not necessarily complete, accurate or up-to-date;
  • does not contain professional or legal advice.

While Campine takes every care to offer you information that was carefully selected and compiled, you cannot use the Website in substitution of any kind of (legal) advice whatsoever, nor can you rely on it as such.

As a User you agree that the use of the Website and/or any information herein contained is at own risk. The Website and all materials are available ”as such” and without any warranties as to its quality, accuracy, fitness for purpose, usefulness or completeness.

Campine is doing all reasonable efforts to offer correct and updated information on its Website. When Campine is informed about possible errors and mistakes on its Website, Campine will use all reasonable means to correct these as soon as possible. Unfortunately, in spite of the efforts, errors and mistakes might subsist. Campine cannot warrant that the Website at any moment is up to date and free of mistakes. Therefore, as a User you may not follow blindly the information contained in this site, but you better contact the third party who is responsible for the information to verify it.

The Website may contain links to other websites not owned or operated by Campine. The links to any such third party websites are provided solely for your convenience. Since Campine has no control whatsoever over these websites, it can in no event be held liable in any way for the content of the linked sites nor does it warrant that these websites are operated in compliance with all applicable legislation and regulations.

Websites owned, controlled or operated in whole or in part by third parties may provide links to this Website. Campine did not examine the content of these websites and has no influence or say whatsoever in the content or other characteristics of these websites.

Campine cannot be held liable for any prejudice or damage you might experience as a result of wrong, inaccurate or poor information or as a lack of clarity on the Website of Campine or a website of a third person that is referenced to. Thus are excluded direct and indirect damages such as loss of goodwill or business, loss of revenue or profits or any other claim, demand, proceeding, cost and expense arising from or related to the use or the interpretation of our website and/or the information it contains, including without limitation for the use or the interpretation of any technical data, recommendations or specifications available on our website.

In addition, you acknowledge and agree that downloading information or obtaining information by using the Website in any other way is at your own discretion and at your own risk. You are solely responsible for any possible damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from downloading information.

4. Modifications to the Website
Campine preserves the right to modify the information that is published on its Website at any time and thus to amend, update or complete the provisions of the terms of use. It is your responsibility to check these terms and conditions regularly. If you continue to use the Website after the modifications entered into force, you acknowledge to agree with the changes and to accept them.

In addition, Campine does not assume any liability for potentially damaging consequences resulting from changes to the Website or its terms of use.

5. Functioning of the Website
Campine uses reasonable efforts to make its Website available continuously and to secure it by all reasonable means. Campine takes every care to limit inconveniences caused by technical errors.

However, Campine cannot exclude the possibility that wrong technical actions or non-authorised interventions take place or that viruses are entered. For these reasons, Campine cannot guarantee that the access to the Website will be uninterrupted or that no other forms of nuisance can be encountered. As a consequence, Campine cannot be held liable for such errors, functional disorders, incidents and problems that might result from using the Website.

Furthermore, you acknowledge that Campine has the right to interrupt the access to its Website, without prior notice, to detect and suppress possible cases of fraud or abuse, to remedy technical or operational functional disorders. Such interruptions are needed to modify or improve the Website, to assure a regular technical maintenance and an update of the content. Campine does not assume liability for any prejudice you might subsist due to these interruptions.

6. User obligations
Irrespective of what is determined in the other terms of use, as a User you specially commit yourself to:

  • use the Website in good faith in a reasonable way (as a ‘goed huisvader’ / ‘bon père de famille’);
  • not to use the Website in a way contrary to these terms of use;
  • not to use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of this website. You further undertake not to take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the infrastructure of the Website (which could cause the temporary or permanent unavailability), nor to denigrate the content;
  • not to use the Website for illegitimate purposes, in violation of common public decency or with the intention of causing prejudice to the reputation of Campine or of any third party;
  • not to insert in the Website another website, logo, photo, other element or a hyperlink or to link the Website with another website without the explicit prior written approval of Campine;

When Campine finds out or has reasonable presumptions that you violate one of the provisions above [letter a) to e)] or any other provision imposed by these terms of use, Campine has the right to deny you access to its Website in whole or in part.

Intellectual Property Rights
You acknowledge and agree that the content of Campine’s Website, including without limitation the text, photographs, illustrations, technologies described, logos, icons, and software, are protected in all forms, media and technologies by intellectual and/or industrial property rights, including without limitation by copyrights, trademarks, data base rights, commercial name, domain name, know-how, models, logo’s and designs. Campine preserves all rights on these elements.

The use of this website does not grant you any rights on any of its content. The content of the website may only be used to benefit from the services offered and for your personal, non-commercial use. Every authorised use of information of the Website must take place in such way that the source of the information is mentioned in a clear and visible way. You may not modify, adapt, publish, distribute, or in any way exploit any of this website, in whole or in part. You may not insert or implement any link to this website in any other website owned, maintained or operated by you, your employer or any other third party without the prior written permission of Campine.

You do not obtain any rights on downloaded content. Modification, adaptation, publication, transmitting of downloaded content for any other purpose than your personal, non-commercial use is strictly prohibited without the explicit prior written permission of Campine.

Protection of privacy and personal data
Campine takes every care to protect the personal data you provide to Campine. See Privacy Policy.

To contact us
If you wish further explanation or any clarification concerning these terms of use, you are kindly invited to contact Karin Leysen by the following means:
Address: Campine n.v., Nijverheidsstraat 2, 2340 Beerse, Belgium
telephone number.: +32 14 60 15 49
fax number: +32 14 60 15 77

Campine takes every care to solve within a reasonable amount of time all misunderstandings, complaints, technical or operational problems which are related to the Website or with the quality of its content and which are brought to Campine’s attention by a User.

Legal validity of the terms of use
If any term of these terms of use is held to be totally void and/or unenforceable, the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the terms of use shall not be affected.
In the event that one or more provisions of these terms of use shall be determined to be partially void and/or unenforceable by any court or body of competent jurisdiction or by virtue of any legislation to which it is subject or by virtue of any reason whatsoever, it shall be void or unenforceable to that extent only and no further and the validity and enforceability of any of the other provisions herein shall not be affected thereby.
Any provision found to be partially or totally invalid and/or unenforceable shall be substituted by a suitable valid provision which comes nearest to the original objectives of the void provision.
The provisions of these terms of use do not prevail over any legal or regulatory provisions or the provisions of public order under Belgian or E.U. law.

Concerning the applicability of these terms of use and its relation with other legal texts that have been formulated by Campine, we refer to what has been described under 2.Scope.

Applicable law and jurisdiction
Belgian law governs these terms of use.

Any dispute arising from or related to the use of our website or arising from the acceptance, interpretation or observance of this terms of use and/or the Privacy Policy shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent Courts of Turnhout which will apply Belgian law, with the exclusion of private international law rules.